10 Signs Of Vitamin “C” Deficiency!!!

Vitamin C is considered to be one of the most beneficial vitamins. It is abundant in health benefits that can even protect us from wrinkling or eye diseases.

That’s why it is recommended to intake plenty of vitamin C when you have a cold or flu.

You can’t intake too much vitamin C, but, on the other hand, if your levels of vitamin C are low it can cause various health problems. These are some of the most common signs of vitamin C deficiency:
  • Experts claim that you bruise more easily if you have vitamin C deficiency anemia and you don’t intake the sufficient amount of vitamin C.
  • If you started to notice that you have many bruises on your legs and arms, intake foods that are abundant in vitamin C, for example, red peppers, oranges or kale.

  • Most of the capillaries in our nose located at its front are responsible for nosebleeds.
  • When you’re deficient in vitamin C, they become more sensitive, so you get more nosebleeds.

Wounds Heal Slower
  • Having enough red blood cells is “a must” for our organism since we need them to carry oxygen through our body.
  • These red blood cells are very important because they are responsible for the process of blood clotting and even growth of new cells, new skin, new hair etc.
  • If you’re (like skin, new cells etc.) If you aren’t getting enough vitamin C deficient, your body will have difficulties producing the proper amount of these cells.
  • Your wounds will heal much slower than before.

Fatigue & Depression
  • Fatigue is very common nowadays.
  • It can be the underlying cause of various conditions.
  • If you’ve started to feel moody or very tired, try to increase your intake of vitamin C.
  • See if that works for you. But, if you don’t notice any change, visit your doctor.

Irregular Heartbeat
  • Iron is absorbed better in our body with the help of vitamin C.
  • Low iron can make us develop pregnancy complications, heart problems or anemia.

Swollen Gums
  • Unhealthy teeth or gums won’t appear if you consume vitamin C regularly.
  • Teeth loosening or erosion of the gums can appear because of vitamin C deficiency.
  • Vitamin C is a very important vitamin for good gum health.
  • It strengthens the lining of the epithelium which is a barrier that prevents bacteria from penetrating the gum line.
  • People who have common periodontal problems should be tested for low levels of this vitamin.

Swollen Joints
  • Scurvy can appear because of a severe lack of vitamin C.
  • The most common symptoms of this disease are muscle weakness and swollen joints.
  • Collagen can’t form as it should when we have low levels of vitamin C.
  • The connective tissue between our joints is made of collagen.
  • Your joints start to suffer if your body can’t produce collagen properly.

Dry Hair & Nails
  • Collagen is very important for numerous areas of our body.
  • It is also responsible for keeping our skin healthy.
  • If you don’t intake enough vitamin C, you’ll probably notice redness, small hard bumps, dryness, and wrinkling on your skin.

More Frequent Illness
  • A healthy immune system is the best thing that will help you fight off any illness or disease.
  • We need vitamin C because it is responsible for the strengthening of cells in our body.
  • According to a recent study from the National Library of Medicine, the levels of vitamin C under stress or you are sick.
  • You’ll also have a very hard time to recover if you are deficient in this vitamin.

Weight Gain
  • The amount of vitamin C we have in our bloodstream will affect the way our body oxidizes fat.
  • According to a study performed by an Arizona State University, the participants who had low levels of vitamin C had higher body fat mass.
  • If you notice that you’ve gained weight or you can’t lose weight, intake foods that are abundant in vitamin C.
  • If you somehow can’t acquire that, take a vitamin C supplement.

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